Recurring Donation Cancel Page

What Are Recurring Donations?

A Recurring Donation is a commitment your user makes to give a donation automatically on a regular basis, like monthly. Through ActionKit you can accept recurring donations by credit card, US bank transfer (ACH Direct Debit), or from the user's PayPal account. You must sign up for recurring billing with your payment processor. Most payment processors consider recurring billing a distinct product from one-time payments. ACH Direct Debit recurring payments are handled directly by ActionKit, but you must sign up for the ACH beta program with Braintree.

By default, users are charged on the same day of the month each month by the merchant vendor. ActionKit will show the payments immediately or the next day, depending on which merchant vendor you use.

By editing your Donate template and depending on your merchant vendor, you may be able to adjust the billing date (e.g. to the 1st of each month) or change the frequency (e.g. to weekly or yearly). You can also edit your template to create a recurring only page.

What Can Users Do On This Page Type?

Cancel Recurring Donation – This Type allows users with an existing recurring donation commitment to log in and cancel the commitment. The user cannot request refunds for past payments from this page.

The template for changing the layout or appearance of this page is Recurring cancel.

To get started, click "Add a page" on the Pages dashboard and select Cancel Recurring Donation. The settings and options are described below.

What Do The Options On This Screen Mean?

Action Basics Screen

Title, Name, Notes

Enter the title the user will see at the top of the web page.

Edit the short name if you don't want to use what is auto-generated from the title. This forms part of the URL for this page. Only use letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. No spaces or other characters.

For example, the URL for a signup page is

Use the Notes field to associate information with a page for internal use. Notes are displayed on the Pages Tab and Browse All screen.


You can associate one or more tags with your page by selecting them from the drop down.

Tags are categories that you can associate with a Page or Mailing. They may represent issue areas or campaigns (e.g. food_safety or Paris_climate_talks_campaign).

You can use Tags to group Pages or Mailings. Tags are displayed on the Dashboard and the Browse all listing, and you can filter by Tag, so for example, you can quickly view the list of all the Tages you have created for a particular campaign.

Tags can also be used to group users for mailing targeting and analysis. Users who take action on a Page are associated with that Page's Tag(s).

Every user who takes action on the Page is associated with the Page's current Tags. There is no way to associate only some of those who took action on a Page with a Tag (for example, you can't tag only donors giving over $X on a page).


Users are only associated with a Page's current Tags, not with the Tags from the time the user took action. If you remove a Tag from a Page, any users who've already taken action on the Page will not retain any association with the Tag you removed.

Read more about managing Tags including how to add Tags and reorder your Tag list.


This option is only relevant if you've set up Languages aside from English in your instance. If so, the additional Languages will show here in the drop down under More Options.

Select a Language to:

  • Save this as the user's language for any user who takes action on this page.
  • Use the translated system messages (e.g. "Email is required"), if you added these when you set up the Language.
  • Tell ActionKit to pre-select the default Templateset for the Language on the Edit content screen and to pre-select the default Email Wrapper for the Language for your Confirmation Email -- if you've set defaults for these.

If you don't want the user's language to change because they took action on this page, you can select '---------' from the Language list.

To learn more about ActionKit's Language functionality, including how to add Languages and translate error messages see Languages and Multilingual Campaigns.

Multilingual Campaign

Multilingual Campaigns allow you to associate multiple Pages with each other for tracking and reporting. If you've selected a Goal, the thermometer for Pages that share the same Multilingual Campaign shows the combined results.

Also, your end users will see links at the top right of the page so they can toggle to their preferred Language.

You can add a Multilingual Campaign from the Pages Tab or from the Multilingual Options section on the Action basics screen when you're creating a page.

Create a Multilingual Campaign for each Page that you plan to translate. Then select the Campaign and the Language when you create each translation.

On the Pages Tab, if you click the grey Multilingual Campaigns link, you'll see summary information for each Campaign including the count of action takers and a list of the Pages showing each Language.

Read more about Languages and Multilingual Campaigns.


A mailing list is just a group of your users who can be emailed (e.g. they haven't bounced or unsubscribed). Users join a list by taking action on a page (or you can add them through the Uploader). Users who take action on this page are added to the list selected if they're not already on it.

You may have multiple Lists, but you can only choose one for this page, unless you customize your Templateset to add users to more than one list.

Your page should clearly indicate that signers will be subscribed to your mailing list. This is essential to maintaining good deliverability.

You can also edit your Templateset to require users to opt-in to the mailing list instead.

Read more about creating and using mailing Lists.


If you have users from Canada, please note that the Original Templateset includes code to change your page to require opt-in, if the user selects Canada from a country drop down. A checkbox is displayed, unchecked by default, that the user can select if they'd like to be added to your list. This is to assist you in complying with Canada's anti-spam legislation, although we also suggest consulting an attorney to find out more about the law and decide on the best approach for your organization.

You can find the code to add to your existing Templatesets in the country_select template. It includes a details link for your users where we've noted that an unchecked consent box won't unsubscribe a current member.

If a Canadian user has noscript on, they can't subscribe even if they check the box.

If you're concerned that the Confirmation Email may be interpreted as a violation of the law for users who didn't opt-in, you can suppress sending a Confirmation Email by adding the tag skip_confirmation to your page as a hidden value, triggered for users from Canada.

Page Fields

Custom page fields are a powerful and flexible tool that allows you to add a section of content or code to an individual page.

For example, if you want to ask users to tweet about an action they've taken, you could add a page field called "twitter" and include a suggested message specific to the page. If you have a Protect Parrots petition your sample message might be "Parrots are smart. I just signed to save them here: action_URL"

Page fields you've created are available on the Action basics screen for each page.


If you don't see a Page fields section on this screen, no custom page fields have been created for your organization.

Use this syntax to include page fields in your templatesets or to reference them when creating a page: {{ page.custom_fields.YOUR_FIELD_NAME_HERE }}. Or, if your custom page field contains template tags or filters that need to be interpreted, then use this syntax instead: {% include_tmpl page.custom_fields.YOUR_FIELD_NAME_HERE %}.

Edit Content Screen


Customize the look and feel of your Pages using Templates. Our templating system separates the graphic design work of creating pages with your organization's style from the campaign work of setting goals, crafting your message, and creating content.

Templates define everything about the appearance of your pages from your page layout and colors, to the fields displayed in your user forms and the image for your thermometers. Each Page you create in ActionKit combines input from multiple Templates.

A Templateset is just a group of all the available Templates; each ActionKit Page combines input from multiple Templates.

To set a Page's appearance you just select the appropriate Templateset from the dropdown on the Edit Content screen.

Update Recurring Donation pages use the Recurring update template, plus the Shared templates that all pages use.


The content for your pages is entered here. The text boxes for all page types share the same basic functionality.


Most everywhere that you can enter and edit text (e.g. page content text boxes, mailing body), we've provided a basic WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) and a syntax coloring editor (CodeMirror) as well as the standard browser text area.

  • Select Visual to use the WYSIWYG editor and view the rendered content without writing your own HTML. The toolbar has buttons you can use for standard functions and formatting. Just hover over the tool to see the name. For example, you can click to indent a paragraph or to insert an image. The show/hide toolbars button opens a second bar with additional formatting options.
  • Select Code in the toolbar to have color-coding and line numbers for easier editing of the code. Different elements, like Javascript or CSS, are given different tinted backgrounds or text colors.
  • Select Plain to remove all highlighting.


The visual editor, like other WYSIWYG editors, may at times add more than you expect to the HTML, like extra <p> tags, and at other times, strip out things, like styling. You may want to avoid the visual editor when updating code-heavy items such as mailing wrappers and templatesets, and limit the use of the visual editor to areas that are more content-heavy, like page text and mailing body content.

Spell Check

We've made it possible for you to enable your browser's native spell checking when using the WYSIWYG visual editor, at least for most major browsers. The keyboard shortcut, menubar command, or context menu option required to enable spell checking is different in each browser, but typically you can right-click (or control-click, or two-finger-click) on an editor panel to reveal the 'Spelling' or 'Spelling and Grammar' commands for it. Firefox users may have to begin by selecting 'Install Dictionary' to enable spellchecking the first time, if they have not already done so. This enables 'check spelling as you type' functionality in Mac Safari, Chrome and Firefox as well as possibly Windows for Chrome, Firefox and IE 10+.


Snippets are click-to-insert template tags used to display information specific to each user within the text on your Pages and in mailings.

For example, if you wish to identify the user by name on a page or in a mailing, you would expand the User header under Snippets and select First name. The following Snippet of code will be inserted into your HTML:

{{ user.first_name|default:"Friend" }}

ActionKit can only display conditional content for recognized users. Users who aren't recognized will see the default value defined for the specific Snippet. For example, if you insert First name an unrecognized user will see the default, 'Friend'. You can change the default value by typing over it when you insert it, but not universally for the Snippet.

Some Snippets don't have a default value and you'd generally only want to use them in cases where the users who will see them have a value for the field. For example, it only make sense to use the average donation Snippet with past donors.


Always view your page as a recognized user to make sure your Snippets are displaying as you'd expect.

The Snippets available for Pages are slightly different than those available for mailings, including the Confirmation Email. View the Snippets and the code they insert for Pages and mailings.

You can define your own custom snippets to make it easy to insert frequently-used bits of text and code into your pages and mailings.

After-action Info Screen

Redirect URL

In the Required section, you'll see the URL for the thank you page with the text you entered in the previous step. If you'd like to direct the user to a different page, enter the URL here.

The URL is always pre-filled, but you can change it if you'd like to direct users to another page instead. Just enter the URL. For example, you might want to have your users land on a Donation page after they sign a Petition.

If you change the redirect, be sure to submit from your page to confirm that you entered the URL correctly.

Advanced option: Use a hidden input with the name redirect and value of a URL will change the after-action page to the URL you entered.

See also How do I pass a source code through to a redirect?


The redirect URL is generated when the page loads; you can't use snippets to pull in content the user enters on the page. To dynamically redirect based on user responses, use JavaScript or add a meta refresh on the thanks page: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='{{|urlencode }}'" />

Confirmation Email

The Confirmation Email usually thanks the user for their action.

You can use Snippets to insert conditional content. To include a Snippet in the subject, cut and paste the Snippet from those available for the body.

There's a Snippet that allows you to include the user's response to any survey questions (aka action fields). The syntax is action.custom_fields.QUESTION_NAME. You can only do this for survey questions that are on the page associated with the Confirmation Email.


Sometimes you'll want to include a link to a higher-bar, or more difficult, action the user can take. For example, a Petition page Confirmation Email might thank the user and ask him or her to call their legislator about the same issue. To do this, you need to create the second action page (the Call page in this example). Then enter the link to the second action in this email and in your Thank you text box on the Edit content screen.

Your Confirmation Email must include an unsubscribe link. Not many users unsubscribe as a result of the thank you email, but offering that option contributes to your standing with the various ISPs.

To create your Confirmation Email you need to:

1 Select the Email wrapper from the dropdown list. Wrappers define the header and footer of your email. See creating email wrappers.

2 Select the Email From Line entry from the dropdown list, add a new From Line, or fill in a From Line for use in this mailing only by clicking "use a custom From Line". See From Line.

3 Enter your Email subject.

4 Enter your Email body.

There are several donation specific snippets available for the confirmation email.

Cool Stuff

Two examples for conditionalizing text for monthly and one-time gift options are described here.

Some snippets are available that are for use only when your donor has made a recurring commitment.

You can access a user's new profile in the confirmation email. For example:

{% with orderrecurring as profile %}
  Your next payment of ${{ profile.amount }} will be on {{ profile.next_payment_date }}.
{% endwith %}

It's a good idea to include links in the thank you email to the Update recurring donation and Cancel recurring donation pages so donors can update or cancel their recurring commitments.

Notification Emails

Notifications are emails to someone aside from the action taker, prompted by actions on the Page.

You can use these for a variety of purposes including:

  • sending an email to the honoree about gifts made in their honor,
  • alerting field organizers to each new event created in an event campaign,
  • notifying a campaign director every 1,000 new actions on a page,
  • emailing your development staff for each new recurring commitment.

Create your notifications and then select the ones you want to associate with each page on the After action info screen. Each action can prompt multiple notification emails.

Notification emails will only send if there are values for the subject line, to emails, from email, and mailing body. So you can use conditional content to control whether the notification requirements have been met.


Blank mailing bodies may still have <p> tags and comment code that process as content. To block sending, use {% requires_value foo %} in the body, or use a conditional in the subject, to email, or from email.

We provide a few sample notifications that you can use or customize:

  • In honor of: This example shows how you'd prompt a notification email to the honoree after each gift in his/her honor. First you need to add an action field with the label 'action_in_honor_of_email' to the Donation Page template you'll be using. Then you can use the to line in the example -- {{ action.custom_fields.in_honor_of_email }}. The example also shows some conditional content you might include in the notification email by adding additional custom action fields to your template.
  • Tell staff about monthly donation: In this example, the subject includes the criteria to prompt the sending of the email. Whichever staff you select from the list or enter in the "to" line will receive this notification after each new monthly donation is created. The body includes some conditional content.
  • Notify every 1000: In this example, the send criteria is in the body and the subject includes conditional content.

Here are some other examples that aren't included in your instance but that you might add:

  • Notify someone when a donation is greater than $250:
Subject: {% if > 249 %}New $250+ Donation!{% endif %}

* Notify event hosts of new attendees:
To: {% for host in action.event.hosts %}{{ }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}

Subject: Subject {{ user.first_name }} has RSVPed for your event

Read about adding notifications.

Where Can I Find Donation Data?

Donations in ActionKit are a type of action so all the standard action data like user_id, page_id, and action source are saved to the core_action table for each donation attempt.

Donations are more complicated than other action types though and a number of tables are involved. A row is also added to the core_order table with donation specific information including the amount. If the donation was processed through ActionKit (not imported) a row is added to core_transaction with information from the merchant vendor if the transaction failed. If the donation was imported, a placeholder row is added to the core_transaction table with the account field set to import.

A row is added to core_orderrecurring when a new recurring commitment is created.

Read about the information available in each table and how to view specific donation categories (failed attempts, product orders, recurring donations, etc.) under data capture details.

The following donation reports are built in: