The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Trump orders meat plants to stay open in pandemic

Facilities are declared critical infrastructure for their role in the nation’s food supply even as many become virus hot spots

April 29, 2020 at 12:52 p.m. EDT
President Trump on April 28 said he would look into issuing an executive order to keep food processing plants open amid the coronavirus outbreak. (Video: The Washington Post)

President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday evening compelling meat processors to remain open to head off shortages in the nation’s food supply chains, despite mounting reports of plant worker deaths due to covid-19.

Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to classify meat plants as essential infrastructure that must remain open. Under the order, the government will provide additional protective gear for employees as well as guidance, according to a person familiar with the action who spoke about the order before it was signed by the president. The person was not authorized to disclose details of the order.