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To: Trump administration

Mask Requirement at The White House

ALL persons entering the White House (the people’s House, owned by the citizens of the United States), must wear a face mask at all times other than when eating, drinking, or sleeping.

Why is this important?

This House is owned by the people of the United States and during this time of unprecedented danger from Covid-19, the people of the United States must enforce rules for this building that are in the best interests of the people who enter this building. The current resident of this home does not have the right to endanger the health of others in this public property.


2020-10-07 15:28:03 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-10-07 11:44:58 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-10-07 11:39:28 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-10-07 11:37:02 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-10-07 11:36:03 -0400

10 signatures reached