Please tell us what you think

We want to learn more about the campaigns you're most interested in, your views of MoveOn, and your thoughts on what MoveOn should focus on this year. Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey.

Welcome, Andra Patterson!

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Combating climate change.
A fair and just immigration system, stopping deportations, and supporting refugees.
Helping progressive candidates win elections.
Moving the country closer to racial justice and ending racism.
Addressing economic inequality and building a more inclusive economy.
Ensuring full access to our democracy by protecting and expanding the right to vote.
Stopping gun violence in America.
Protecting and expanding health care, including the ACA, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Defending and expanding LGBTQIA+ rights.
Working for Medicare for All to ensure that health care is affordable and accessible.
Supporting diplomacy-first foreign policy and opposing war.
Getting big money and corporate influence out of politics.
Promoting women's rights and ending sexism.
Another issue:
not at all effective
extremely effective
MoveOn is always driving work I feel supports my priority issues.
Sometimes MoveOn’s work is focused on the issues I care most about, but not always.
I am not aware of any work MoveOn has done on my priority issues.
not at all likely
extremely likely
Take a range of actions on issues I care about.
Access tools and resources for creating petitions or hosting events.
Connect with people who share my values.
Attend events or rallies.
Develop my leadership, community organizing, and advocacy skills.
Donate to progressive causes or candidates.
Help shape MoveOn’s priority campaigning and elections work.
Information about local and national candidates.
Build collective power by combining my individual actions with those of millions of other MoveOn members.
Volunteer my time and skills.
Information and analysis on current affairs and political news.
Share my story with fellow MoveOn members, the press, and politicians.
Buy merchandise such as stickers that show my values.
Something else:

Biden Administration

I am enthusiastic about the work done so far.
I agree with most of the decisions he's made so far.
A few decisions worry me, but I am cautiously optimistic for the rest of his administration.
I'm worried and fearful for my community and country.


I'm limiting my participation in large or indoor events.
I'm choosing to wear a mask to protect against the spread of COVID-19.
I remain greatly concerned about COVID-19 and its impact on my community.
It is no longer influencing my life or the lives of those in my community.