Call Key Senate Republicans: Oppose the Attack on Health Care & the Middle Class

Within days, Senate Republicans could vote on their tax bill—which is both a direct attack on the Affordable Care Act and a massive giveaway to corporations and billionaires at the expense of everybody else.

The version House Republicans just passed would raise taxes on 36 million middle-income families. It would hurt teachers, veterans, folks with student loans, people with out-of-pocket expenses, residents of states, cities, and towns with high local and state taxes—and would lead to cuts in health care and education. All to pay for massive giveaways to corporations and billionaires.

And the Senate version is even worse. It includes an assault on the Affordable Care Act that would leave 13 million more Americans without health insurance.

If only three Republicans stand with their constituents over Republican corporate and billionaire donors, we can defeat this bill—and numerous Republicans have expressed concerns. But "concerns" aren't enough—we need Republicans to commit to stopping this atrocity. Call your senator right now and demand a firm NO on attacks to health care, NO on attacks against working families, and no on giveaways to Republican donors.

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