Help MoveOn defeat Donald Trump and the republicans who refuse to take action on climate change
Contribution Rules
I confirm that the following statements are true and accurate: 1) I am a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien. 2) This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization or national bank. 3) This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor. 4) The funds I am donating are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution. 5) If under 18: I am contributing knowingly and voluntarily with my own funds.
Important Legal Information
You may make contributions of up to $5,000 per calendar year to Political Action's Contribution Account. Individual contributions will be allocated as follows: $5,000 per calendar year to a bank account that operates as a Federal PAC, and the remainder to the Non-Contribution Account of the PAC.
Your credit card information will be used only for this transaction through our secure online payment system. Political Action does not retain credit card information or transmit credit card information to candidate committees. However, federal law requires us to report the name, address, occupation, and employer for each Political Action contributor who gives more than $200 during each calendar year to the Federal Election Commission.
Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
If we're unable to use your contribution for the purpose you specify, either because of oversubscription or for another unforeseen reason, it is our policy to use your contribution for other advertising, public relations, advocacy or organizing activities.
Privacy Policy
For our complete privacy policy, click here.
Financial Donations
If you choose to make a donation to Political Action, your credit card information will be used only for this transaction through our secure online payment system. Political Action does not retain credit card information or transmit credit card information to candidate committees.
Under circumstances where we determine that members may be misusing our systems for malicious purposes (for example, using the numbers we provide to make harassing phone calls), such activities may be reported to law enforcement agencies. In such cases, MoveOn may release personally identifiable information, including name and address, to those agencies.
Email from Political Action and Civic Action
If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so by completing this form. For our complete privacy policy, click here. Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. Political Action is a federal political committee which primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election. Political Action and Civic Action are separate organizations.