Host a Do Your Job Demonstration

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's unexpected death has led to an unprecedented political crisis, as Senate Republicans have said they won't consider ANY nominee President Obama puts forward to fill the vacancy.

That's why, on Monday, March 21, as Republican senators head home for the first day of congressional recess, MoveOn members and allies will host “Do Your Job” actions at key senators’ district offices across the country to remind them to respect the Constitution and call on them to give President Obama's Supreme Court nominee a fair and timely hearing. If we shine a bright-enough spotlight on Republican obstruction, with fun and creative events that get the media's attention and bring public pressure to bear, we can get a critical number of Republicans to back down and give President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, a fair and timely hearing.

Instructions for hosts:  

  • All events should be held during business hours on Monday, March 21, in front of (or very near) your Republican senator's office. 
  • For the venue, please list the office, i.e. "Senator X's Office."
  • Lunch hour is generally a good time to hold your event to maximize attendee turnout and media coverage. 
  • Please ensure the event is held on public property and not on private property (where you could be asked to leave).
  • If you have questions, please email us: 

You should describe your local event in your own words, but here's how Randy B. in North Carolina described his event:  

"Join us to tell Senator Burr: Do your job! We'll invite the media to attend our protest outside his office with speakers, and to join us when we go into Senator Burr's office as a group to deliver a copy of Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. To make sure he understands it, we'll offer to pay for him to attend a Civics 101 at a local community college. Please bring your handmade signs, and I will have some printed signs to hand out."

Your contact information
U.S. and U.S. territories only
Event information

Must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.

3/21/2016 at
This means that MoveOn will not recruit other MoveOn members near you to attend your event.
Event location
  • Event state is required.
Event description

If your event is public, people will see this description before signing up for your event.

Attendees will only see this once they've chosen to sign up for your event.

Event rules

Here are the basic requirements for event hosts:

Hosting an action is simple and fun. In order to host you'll need passion and belief in progressive values. In addition you'll need to be able to print out several sheets of paper and some signs that are the size of a normal piece of paper. You’ll also be invited to join a prep call for event hosts, and you’ll receive support to invite attendees and the media to your event

Here are the rules for hosting events:

We have tried to provide all the information you will need on our website (more information is available after you post your event). We will work hard to review all questions that are emailed to us.

By creating an event, you are agreeing to serve as the host of the event. Your responsibilities as host include:

  • Arranging that all the necessary materials are brought to the event (you can ask other participants for help).
  • Contacting and communicating with the people who participate in your event. We will encourage attendees not to attend an event where the host has not confirmed their participation.
  • Filing a quick post-meeting report.

Important Legal Note: Civic Action is an advocacy organization exempt from federal taxation under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Next, we'll email you a link to confirm your event.