Host a Community Meeting to Resist Trump
We'll organize community meetings across the country to talk about what resistance looks like on the local level and sketch out a plan to keep our communities safe, fight for our values, and resist the new administration every step of the way—including by organizing opposition to Trump's dangerous cabinet appointments.
Fill out this form right now to register your event.
Instructions for hosts:
- All events should be held on Sunday, January 15, with start times between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. local time.
- Turnout for these events will likely be strong, so we recommend using a large home or a free meeting space like a public library or community center.
- We will post the materials for your community meeting on or before January 9, and hold a national prep call for hosts and answer your questions on Wednesday, Jan 11 at 8 p.m. ET/7 CT/6 MT/5 PT.
- The venue field is visible to the public and should indicate the general area the event is, or the name of the building, business or organization. Do not use the street addresses.
You can edit this sample text to reflect the details of your event for use in the event description field below.
Sample event description: Join with fellow progressives at the downtown library this Sunday at 1:00 pm for a "Resist Trump" community meeting. We'll enjoy some coffee and cookies and collaborate on ways we can tap into the people power in our area and form a plan to resist the radical agenda of the incoming administration.
Sample attendee message: Many hands make light work! To pitch in by bringing coffee or cookies, helping to greet attendees, facilitating small group discussions, take pictures or tidy-up up after the event; call Mary Jones at 333 222-3409 or use the email tool below to send an email.
If you have questions, please email us: