Survey: How should we be resisting Trump?

In the wake of last week's devastating election, we are developing plans for our work together in the context of a Trump administration and GOP control of Congress.

Our path forward is determined by MoveOn members, so we need to hear your thoughts now.

Will you take a short survey to let us know about the actions you’ve taken since Election Day, how you're feeling, and what actions you would like to see the MoveOn community take together—in the face of a Trump presidency and Republican control of both houses of Congress?

Your Contact Information

    Not Mar Alfaro? Click here.

    Survey Questions

    Push to transform the Democratic Party into a progressive, populist party
    Defend and support communities that are under attack
    Organize local and state governments and communities to resist the dangerous actions of a Trump administration (for example, passing Sanctuary City legislation)
    Opposing Trump's and Republican policies and appointments
    Fight for progressive victories at the local and state level
    Work to abolish the Electoral College
    Organize to win state and local elections in 2017 and 2018
    Organize to win House and Senate races in 2018
    Help get the word out about local events
    Hold online organizer trainings (how to get media attention, how to organize rallies/meetings/etc.)
    Connect you to other MoveOn members in your area
    Create materials for you to use (signs, flyers)
    Political education
    Campus organizing