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Ready to Resist Call survey
Please take a moment to answer the questions below about the Ready to Resist call series.
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What made you interested in recent calls? (as many as are relevant)
I wanted to do everything I could
The specific speakers appealed to me
I wanted to defend the Affordable Care Act
I wanted to connect with other members of the MoveOn community
I don't remember
Other (please elaborate in the final field below)
What kept you from joining the call? (all that apply)
I didn't know how to join
I forgot about the call
I never got the phone call to participate
The timing was bad this week, but I can join in the future
The timing is bad generally and I can't join
I wasn't interested in the speakers this week
I didn't like the previous call(s) I joined
I don't find things like this useful / interesting
Which would these make you more likely to join a future call?
A reminder text message
A reminder email Sunday morning
A calendar invite when you RSVP
Doing the call at a different time, like a weekday
If you've joined a previous call, is there anything you would have changed?
Anything else you want to share?
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