Join "Save the Post Office Saturday" on 8/22

On Saturday, August 22, at 11 a.m. (local time), we will show up at local post offices across the country for "Save the Post Office Saturday" to save the post office from Trump and declare that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy must resign.

When you sign up, you'll be directed to a map of actions to join (masks and a physical distancing plan are required for all events) and be able to create your own! If you can't attend or host an event, you can also show up when and where you're able.

Join us for the "#SaveThePostOffice Saturday" day of action!

U.S. and U.S. territories only

Sign up!

And let us know:

Just show up at my local post office without a crowd or "action."
Attend an action with a host and other participants like me.
I'm willing to host an action so others know where to join me!