2020 Presidential Poll

Thank you for participating in MoveOn's first membership-wide straw poll and survey about the 2020 presidential elections. The 2018 elections ended with a blue wave that put a stop to Republican control of the House–and now, naturally, the media, politicians, and many of us are turning our attention towards the 2020 presidential elections. While MoveOn isn’t endorsing a presidential candidate this early, we do want to hear from you about who and what excites you as you look toward 2020–and we think it’s important for politicians and the public to hear what MoveOn members are thinking. And, because MoveOn's power and direction come entirely from members like you, we need your input to help plan our work together.

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Is a woman
Is a person of color
Inspires the public with deep progressive values and will move us towards a more progressive future where everyone can thrive
Makes the connections between racial, social, and economic injustice, and commits to platform positions to see these connections through
Prioritizes reversing Trump’s hate-fueled, xenophobic, anti-Muslim, and racist policies that put communities–including immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ, amongst others–at risk
Has a track record of taking on entrenched power and is willing to fight against big institutions
Will restore order in Washington by working across the aisles
Has the greatest chance of winning against Trump
Registering people to vote
Recruiting volunteers
Door-to-door canvassing
Sending postcards
Organizing events in my community
Attending events in my community
Donating money
Over $500
$250 to $500
$50 to $250
Under $50
I didn’t donate this time around
Over $500
$250 to $500
$50 to $250
Under $50
I don’t expect to donate in 2020